NAME: Liu Cheng Hong in Chinese; Simon in English. Registered lawyer associated in International Lawyers Inc. Kunming China, team leader of INTERNATIONAL LEGAL AFFAIRS.
LANGUAGE: English, Mandarin, Dongba Naxi oral of Lijiang, and Thailand
CONTACT: +86 151 9887 3836; Email: attorneys@china.com
1、1984 through 1988, study law at Southwest Politics & Law School, Bachelor degree;
2、1988 through 1991, study law at Southwest Politics & Law School as post-graduate, Master degree( L.L.M)
29 years experiences as int’l lawyer in China:
1、 2020 to 2023, senior partner of International Lawyers Inc. Kunming China;
2、 2019 intl lawyer of Beijing Yingke Law Firm Kunming Office;
3、 1997 through 2019, founder and senior partner of International Lawyers Inc. Kunming China;
4、1993 through 1996, registered lawyer associated in Yunnan Foreign Economic Law Firm.
Benefited from above mentioned experiences and knowledge, Simon possesses the following capabilities and powers,which match the clients requirements:
1、Independent action power to prepare relating documents for investment and M & A, commercial negotiations, other required legal services, and executing, etc.;
2、Coordinate and organize of team works;
3、Positive approaching to assignments, very carefulness and caution to responsibilities, reliable attitude to missions;
4、Willing to learn new knowledge, being able to face pressure and self-discipline;
5、Willing to advocate long term out-bound carry on;
6、Royal to the BOSS and clients forever.
Simon was awarded the special qualification of “FOREIGN RELATING LEGAL SERVICES” by Yunnan Provincial Lawyers Association (please check the special license in the column “Qualification and Honor”)
Detailed report on int’l practices of Simon(to be online soon):