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 Simon's certificate of foreign relating professionals


(2011 through 2023)

NO.1. In 2011, using English as the working language, Simon and Kitty represented the wholly foreign-owned company Guilin Color Engineering Diamond Technology Co., Ltd(EDT),in handling the suspected smuggling cases of imported products(powder of processed diamonds) , and finally lifted the suspicion of smuggling;


NO.2. From 2012 to 2013, using English as the working language, Simon and Kitty acted as the lawyer of wholly foreign-owned company Guilin Color Engineering Diamond Technology Co., Ltd.(EDT), dealt with the tax-related dispute of foreign investors' equity transfer, and finally properly solved;


NO.3. In 2014, using English as the working language,  Simon and Kitty continued to serve as the legal counsel of Guilin Color Engineering Diamond Technology Co., Ltd., a wholly foreign-owned enterprise;


NO.4. In 2015, using English as the working language, Simon advised for selling the assets of Kunming Pyramid Diamond Processing Company, a wholly foreign-owned enterprise;


NO5. In 2015, using English as the working language, Simon provided legal opinions for foreigner for the purpose of loans in French bank, and provided witness as a Chinese lawyer;


NO.6. In 2016, using English as the working language, Simon and Kitty represented four foreign victims, and applied for recognition and execution of the effective judgment of the foreign court on the compensation case for personal injury from fireworks explosion;


NO.7. In 2017, using English as the working language,  Simon and Kitty represented four victims, and applied for recognition and execution of the effective judgment of the foreign court on the compensation case for personal injury from fireworks explosion;


NO.8.2018-2020, defended Bangladesh citizen who was suspected of smuggling precious metal (gold) around 9 kilogram, a huge quantity comparing with other smuggle precious metal cases . If prosecuted and convicted, he can be sentenced to more than 10 years in prison. Depending on Simon 's internationally high level professional defense, finally gain the decision of Not to prosecute. He finally got freedom. According to the defense cases partly search for several years of gold smuggling cases across the country, all suspects were prosecuted and found guilty, sentenced to punishment; ONLY HE WERE NOT PROSECUTED.


NO.9. In 2019, defended Indian citizen for smuggling common goods (hair);


NO.10. In 2019, acted as lawyer for Bangladesh citizen, for smuggling US dollars into China;


NO.11. From 2020 to 2022, Simon and Kitty provided special legal services during the 15th Conference of the Parties to Convention on Biological Diversity(COP 15) for foreign Affairs;

NO.12. From 2021-2023, defense of drug smuggling crime,for foreign citizen;

(to be continued and updated year by year)

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